What will “business as usual” look like in your industry tomorrow?

Our firm has long been committed to helping leaders around the world get ready for the future. Now, we’re launching a fresh and focused series that brings it to life across specific industries.

The Next Normal is a new McKinsey franchise that centers on one industry per issue, bringing you leading executives and firm experts who explain what’s happening around the latest, edgiest trends in their unique worlds.

We wanted to help readers embrace the uncertainty and excitement of change as it’s unfolding rather than wait to analyze it long after that fact

Rik Kirkland, McKinsey publishing director

The series, according to publishing director Rik Kirkland, will be particularly helpful to those facing upheaval. “We wanted to help readers embrace the uncertainty and excitement of change as it’s unfolding rather than wait to analyze it long after that fact,” he says. “And we wanted to do that in a human, personal way by putting faces to these visionaries.”

Each issue offers video interviews and features, along with curated articles and animated data visualizations. The topics The Next Normal covers are chosen for their relevance and the appeal they hold for audiences beyond the C-suite.

“We’re covering issues that are topical and likely to pique broad interest,” says Lucia Rahilly, McKinsey’s global editorial director, “and we showcase the depth and substance of our work on these topics.” So far, these have included plant-based meats, AI-powered insurance claims, and sustainable and smart packaging.

Subscribe now and check out the latest edition, The future of hospital care: A better patience experience, at the link below.

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The Next Normal

In this new series, leading executives and McKinsey experts conjure the future, one industry at a time. Plus, the best of our published thinking.

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