How technology can help Asian organizations unlock post-pandemic growth

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Asia has accounted for a large share of global growth in technology-related metrics over the past decade, including 52 percent of global growth in technology company revenues, and 51 percent of global growth in research and development expenditures. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the process of technology adoption. We found that in a post-pandemic world, three attributes will be vital to corporate success in Asia.

The first one is speed. Organizations can take pulse of rapidly changing consumer preferences, enhance organizational agility, and build the talents and skills pools to prepare for the next era of disruption.

The second one is collaboration. This includes collaborations with horizontal ecosystem players, research based collaborations, and public-private partnerships.

The third one is resilience. Resilience in terms of both ensuring that supply chains are adaptable and match today’s pattern of an increasingly multipolar world, and also to rethink the business portfolio and capital allocation for sustainable growth. In summary, Asian corporations can build on these three attributes: speed, collaboration, and resilience, to tackle challenges, and prepare for future success.

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