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McKinsey Classics | January 2017
Unleash your creativity
To celebrate the New Year, we offer you two classic 2011 articles about relatively simple techniques, drawn from neuroscience and McKinsey’s own client work, that will help you and your team generate better, more imaginative ideas in 2017.
Sparking creativity in teams: An executive's guide
Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide
To perceive the world differently, bombard your brain with things it’s never encountered.
Apply the insights →
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Seven steps to better brainstorming
Seven steps to better brainstorming
Most attempts at brainstorming are doomed. To generate better ideas—and boost the odds that your organization will act on them—start by asking better questions.
“Brain-steer” for better results →
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Related reading
Innovation lessons from Pixar: An interview with Oscar-winning director Brad Bird
Innovation lessons from Pixar: An interview with Oscar-winning director Brad Bird →
Squeezing more ideas from product teardowns
Squeezing more ideas from product teardowns →
Using rivalry to spur innovation
Using rivalry to spur innovation →
Inventing the future
Did you miss the previous McKinsey Classics?
In a fascinating 1995 essay, Jay Forrester—the inventor of systems dynamics, a way of “inventing the future”—explains the long arc of his life and ideas.
Inventing the future →
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