A lean approach to government
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McKinsey Classics | February 2017
Doing more for less in the public sector
As a new administration comes to Washington, we offer insights on how a lean approach could not only cut the cost of government programs but also make them more effective and the work of federal employees more meaningful.
Applying lean production to the public sector
Applying lean production to the public sector
Governments at all levels must deliver more for less. The principles of lean manufacturing offer surprisingly apt solutions.
Learn to do more for less →
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A leaner public sector
A leaner public sector
Lean and Six Sigma initiatives can help public-sector agencies improve their performance and productivity—but the impact won’t stick if they ignore the soft side of operational change.
Discover the soft side →
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Related reading
Transforming government through digitization
Transforming government through digitization →
Unleashing government’s 'innovation mojo': An interview with the US chief technology officer
Unleashing government’s ‘innovation mojo’: An interview with the US chief technology officer →
Policy in the data age: Data enablement for the common good
Policy in the data age: Data enablement for the common good →
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Unleash your creativity
To celebrate the New Year, read two classic 2011 articles about relatively simple techniques, drawn from neuroscience and McKinsey’s own client work, that will help you and your team generate better, more imaginative ideas in 2017.
Unleash your creativity →
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