February 18, 2025
Understanding AI sentiments and encouraging experimentation
In this edition, the second in a series of four learning modules, we explore the variety of sentiments emerging around AI. We also delve into a few accessible ways to use AI to help you get comfortable with the technology.
Five Fifty: Healthy workplace, healthy workers
By creating supportive workplaces that help alleviate employee burnout and improve well-being, employers can enable both their workers and their companies to thrive.
Climbing over ‘The Broken Rung’
Join The Broken Rung co-authors and McKinsey senior partners Kweilin Ellingrud, Lareina Yee, and María del Mar Martínez on Tuesday, March 11 at 11:00a.m. EST, for a preview of their upcoming book. Learn practical actions to build experience capital and accelerate career growth.