2020: A year that changed everything

“When will this pandemic end?” is a question we’ve heard with increasing frequency this year. In the final weeks of 2020, it seems the world is closer to getting an answer, as vaccines begin to slowly roll out across the world, offering hope for an end to a pandemic that’s devastated lives and livelihoods globally.

The COVID-19 outbreak is one of many events that have made 2020 a year like no other. From the ensuing public-health crisis—and its toll on diverse communities, mental health, and small businesses, to name just a few—to the increasing urgency of climate change, to a watershed movement in racial and social justice, the year has brought more change than many could have imagined.

As 2020 comes to a close, we have created a timeline of the year’s milestones and what we’re looking forward to in 2021.

2020 year in review

2020 year in review

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