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Talkin’ ’bout my generation: The economic impact of aging U.S. Baby Boomers
Boomer households can be divided into three groups:
"Confident" middle– and upper–income households believe they are well–prepared financially for the future. The "affluent confidents" have the wherewithal to fulfill their aspirations, while the "unaware confidents" share these aspirations but do not have the resources to meet them. "Vulnerable" households have lower income than the confidents and less than half the net worth. They also tend to have lower education levels and a lower likelihood of being married. Nearly 70 percent of these households are unprepared for retirement—but they are aware of their predicament. "Disadvantaged" households are the least educated, least likely to be married, and the most likely to have the poorest health. More than three–quarters of these households are unprepared for retirement.
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