The state of Black consumers: An opportunity for growth and equity
Black consumers’ collective economic power is set to expand dramatically, from about $910 Billion in consumption in 2019 to $1.7 trillion (in nominal dollars) in 2030. Even so, they are more likely than their non-Black counterparts to live in consumer deserts and be underserved across all areas of consumption. This collection of research highlights both the social and commercial benefits of integrating broad racial-equity goals into consumer businesses to better serve Black consumers.
Featured insights
Report - McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Black consumers: Where to invest for equity (a preview)
Effectively pursuing broad racial-equity goals can help consumer-facing companies better serve Black consumers.
Article - McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Nourishing equity: Meeting Black consumers’ needs in food
Retailers and restaurants have an opportunity to give Black consumers equitable access to the foods they want.
Article - McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Rules of the road: Equitably serving Black automotive consumers
Black consumers’ automotive spending is projected to grow, and companies have opportunities to create more equitable experiences.
Article - McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Investing in—and with—Black consumers in financial services
Financial-services companies—specifically in banking and insurance—have an opportunity to address equity and gain commercial benefits by better serving Black consumers.
Article - McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Unlocking the full potential in fashion for Black consumers
Fashion brands can forge stronger connections with this segment by pursuing four strategies.
Marketing to the multifaceted Black consumer
To attract Black consumers, brands must demonstrate quality, social mission, and good value.
What Black and Latino consumers want healthcare stakeholders to know
Understanding consumer behavior and attitude drivers may help stakeholders improve health outcomes and experiences for Black and Latino patients.
The rise of the inclusive consumer
Social values are shaping purchase decisions more than ever—and retailers that act now stand to attract consumers’ loyalty and spending.
Serving the Black consumer is a $300 billion opportunity
Tailor products specifically to meet Black consumer needs and wants, and not only is there economic value to be gained but also a greater chance to meet social and moral objectives.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A $300 billion opportunity: Serving the emerging Black American consumer
There’s a big market to be unearthed if companies meet the real needs of Black consumers.