McKinsey & Company Named a Leader in Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Practices report

| Report

The report provides a guide to service providers in the CX Strategy consulting market, an area that has gained increased strategic importance to global businesses in 2020. Forrester identified the 12 most significant customer experience (CX) strategy consulting practices and conducted a 28-criterion evaluation of them.

Placing McKinsey & Company in the leaders category, the report notes that the company “bolsters executives’ CX decisions with analytics.” Further analysis of McKinsey includes:

“The consultancy promises CEOs 'stacked wins'—higher customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and employee engagement—from CX improvements. To deliver this, McKinsey has invested heavily in Journey Pulse—its customer satisfaction data repository—to guide decisions on which customer journeys to improve, as well as Experience DNA, its innovative analytics tool that uses a company’s customer interaction data to make predictions about customer satisfaction, helping the business target key customers. To help ensure the business is suited to deliver good experiences, McKinsey can deploy its Organizational Health Index, a diagnostic tool that provides 'recipes'—attributes of healthy companies—to enhance customer-centricity and employee engagement.”

“McKinsey’s investments in data and analytics help it excel in areas critical to strategy development—market analysis, business case development, and roadmap development. The firm’s historic strength in organizational transformation provides the backbone of its impressive offerings around workforce enablement and culture transformation. McKinsey’s reference customers agreed that the firm exhibited great knowledge and expertise in customer experience, helping them build CX strategies and structure their organization to support new experiences.”

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