Harnessing agile
This collection explores the structural and cultural shifts required to go agile, as well as the surprising amount of conviction and personal changes required from senior leaders. It also features executives from a range of industries sharing stories of their journeys to becoming agile.
Organizing for agility
The five trademarks of agile organizations
Agile organizations—of any size and across industries—have five key elements in common.
How to create an agile organization
Transforming companies to achieve organizational agility is in its early days but already yielding positive returns. While the paths can vary, survey findings suggest how to start.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Unleashing the power of small, independent teams
Small, independent teams are the lifeblood of the agile organization. Top executives can unleash them by driving ambition, removing red tape, and helping managers adjust to the new norms.
How to mess up your agile transformation in seven easy (mis)steps
The journey to become agile is challenging. But your organization can avoid some common pitfalls that we have seen companies encounter, including failing to create buy-in around an aspiration and forgetting to put culture first.
Building agile leadership and capabilities
Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders need to build 21st-century organizations
To build and lead an agile organization, it’s crucial that senior leaders develop new mind-sets and capabilities to transform themselves, their teams, and the organization.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Leading with inner agility
Disruptive times call for transformational leaders with a knack for addressing complex problems. To navigate effectively, we must learn to let go—and become more complex ourselves.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The agile manager
Who manages in an agile organization? And what exactly do they do?
Blog Post
Busting a digital myth: The naturally gifted product owner
World-class product owners are made, not born. It takes time, investment, and a bit of sweat to become great.
Executive voices
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Digging deep for organizational innovation
Organizational simplicity. Clear accountabilities. Nimble planning processes. All characterize a scrappy oil and gas company you may not have heard of. Learn more from its CEO.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Safe enough to try: An interview with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh
Organizations are more likely to innovate and thrive when they unleash the potential of individuals and the power of self-organizing teams, says the online retailer’s CEO.
How to go agile enterprise-wide: An interview with Scott Richardson
Successfully scaling agile starts with a strategy that’s consistent from the front lines to the C-suite.
Bringing agile to IT infrastructure: ING Netherlands’ agile transformation
IT executives seldom associate agile with infrastructure. In this interview, the head of ING Netherlands’ IT infrastructure function explains how his team carried out an agile transformation.