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San Francisco Innovation Tour

The 2015 GII in San Francisco explored how innovation and technology can disrupt and improve infrastructure delivery. As an integral part of the GII Program, we hosted a number of infrastructure and technology tours to enable participants to learn how some of the Bay Area’s leading companies are applying innovation and technology to deliver infrastructure solutions.

  • Tesla and the future of urban mobility: Few companies have captured the imagination of governments, corporations, and the public like Tesla Motors. We will visit the Tesla leadership team and factory to learn about their cutting edge innovations and what they see as the future for electric vehicles and electrical storage.
  • Google and essence of innovation: Google epitomizes innovation through is people, culture and products. Participants will visit Google headquarters in Mountain View starting with an overview of Google’s approach to innovation. Members of the Better Mobility, Google Ventures, Sidewalk Labs, and Waze teams will then demonstrate how they apply this approach in their products.
  • Solar City and distributed generation: Solar City is America’s largest solar power provider, offering solar energy and innovative financing models that have made solar affordable for homeowners, business owners, renters and communities. Participants will visit the Freemont factory to learn about the new high power Silevo solar module and discuss the future of distributed energy generation, storage and finance.
  • San Francisco Infrastructure: San Francisco is renowned as one of the most beautiful cities in the world with its hilly landscape, fog, Golden Gate Bridge, and cable cars. Participants will experience some of San Francisco’s most iconic and recent infrastructure, examining the significant changes the City has implemented since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Themes will include urban mobility, resilience, and technology, with visits to the Ferry Building, Transbay Transit Center, and the Central Subway.