Making a mark as a new procurement executive

Starting a new role is always challenging, but in today’s evolving landscape—marked by supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and rising sustainability ambitions—it is especially so. Procurement executives are now in the spotlight with the elevation of the function to a key driver of value and growth, and are tasked with protecting margins and driving growth. As a new chief procurement officer (CPO) or senior procurement executive, you need to make your mark quickly, as the first few months are critical.

The McKinsey Procurement Executive Transition Program is tailored to meet this challenge, helping you transition smoothly into, and thrive in, a senior procurement role—whether you are new to the industry, the company, or the position. You will have access to the latest procurement insights and trends, explore best practices in digital, talent, and leadership, plus receive coaching from seasoned experts to help develop winning strategies and approaches.

The Procurement Executive Transition Program kicks off with a two-day virtual forum targeted, for this edition, at procurement executives within global organizations in EMEA during their first year in the new role. The forum offers a safe environment to discuss aspirations and challenges with peers and seasoned experts, explore the new responsibilities that come with this role, and learn how to engage stakeholders.

We will also draw from a balanced mix of case studies and presentations of the newest developments in procurement, and offer opportunities for collaborative discussions with McKinsey experts and your peers on today’s (and tomorrow’s) most important procurement topics—from sustainable sourcing practices to leveraging generative AI for productivity, efficiency, and innovation.

The program aims to empower you to achieve quick wins, identify top priorities, mobilize teams, and set a North Star procurement strategy across four key dimensions:

  1. Understand your organization. Develop a baseline understanding of your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and value-creation opportunities.
  2. Create impact. Demonstrate your potential to add value across the entire business.
  3. Drive personal growth. Develop an individual capability-building plan to enhance both your technical and soft skills.
  4. Engage stakeholders. Proactively engage with internal business and external stakeholders and partners to understand their needs and priorities.

Capacity for this event is limited. To better understand your suitability, please contact us. Visit our website for more information. To register, apply here.

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