Custom Programs

Custom Programs

Learning programs to reach cohorts of leaders and managers at each individual client.

We can build Custom Programs that fit each organization’s unique context and learning objectives and can transform large groups of leaders and managers. We work with clients to customize content and use a variety of building blocks to create the best participant experience.

Building blocks

In-person workshops

Real-life application through role plays and other experiential learning

Digital courses

Instructor-moderated courses combined with social learning over McKinsey Academy’s platform

Learner dashboard

Digital dashboard and portal that aggregates data from a variety of sources and provides a true “learning journey” experience

Capstone projects

Real-world breakthrough project developed in teams and presented to senior leaders

Group work

Customized exercises done in small groups of peers to apply learning, facilitate networking, and enable peer feedback


On-the-job application of action plans

Live webinars

Expert-led virtual sessions to reinforce course learnings, introduce new concepts, and facilitate peer interaction

Mini boards

Small groups who act as each other’s “board of directors,” collaborate on program activities, and coach each other


Sessions with McKinsey coaches to enable personalized growth and development

Examples of our work

This program had a very positive impact on me. I anticipate it helping me develop as a leader.

Custom Program participant

Developing senior leaders as part of a shift in people strategy

A chairman sought to shift the organization’s people strategy from acquisition to organic growth. The ultimate goal was... a firm united around winning clients and capturing greater market share. We helped develop a 12-month program for the client’s top 200 leaders globally; it consisted of digital courses and in-person sessions.

Implementing a learning program for mid-level managers at scale

The client wanted to promote a culture of impact through bold action, trust, and effective collaboration within and across teams.... We partnered with the talent development team to build a multifaceted seven-month program for 100 next-generation leaders with plans to scale the program to 1,500 mid-level managers around the world.

Building a high performing top team to effectively lead a transformation

We partnered with a CEO to create an eight-month journey for her and 20 executive team members to lead a transformation program.... The program consisted of in-person workshops to create alignment, enhance capabilities and shape the transformation agenda, individual coaching sessions to shift personal behaviors, and field work to drive the transformation and implement new ways of working. Results included a high-functioning top team with shared aspirations, clear action plans, and measurable progress on transformation initiatives.

How we help clients

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