Senior leaders provide insight into the challenges and opportunities of using data and analytics to inform decisions.
Company perspectives on analytics
The path to creating a competitive advantage from data and analytics varies widely. How have some leading companies developed these capabilities?
Capturing impact from analytics
One of the toughest challenges in pursuing data and analytics is achieving impact at scale and truly changing the way organizations operate. Here are some examples of how companies have achieved that impact.
Challenges organizations face in adopting analytics
Developing analytic capabilities is only half the battle; creating a culture open to adopting the changes in process and operations can be equally daunting. What have some leading companies done?
Winning the talent war
Executives have long recognized that great talent is the key to building industry-leading capabilities. Leaders share the keys to success in the war for talent.
How industries are changing
Data and analytics have the potential to fundamentally disrupt both companies and entire industries. Industry leaders weigh in on the extent and timing of coming changes.