Number 11, August 2021
McKinsey on Risk, Number 11, August 2021
Gearing up for life beyond the crisis, organizations face an array of risks. In our latest issue of McKinsey on Risk, we offer our unique perspectives about the imperatives of strengthening institutional resilience.
Articles in this issue
The resilience imperative: Succeeding in uncertain times
Strengthening institutional resilience has never been more important.
Building cyber resilience in national critical infrastructure
Recent cyberattacks focus attention on the vulnerabilities of operations technology to web-based threats.
The coming opportunity in consumer lending
The resumption of the credit cycle will offer innovative entrants rare access to underserved customer segments.
Enterprise cybersecurity: Aligning third parties and supply chains
In today’s riskier, more connected environment, organizations must collaborate closely with external partners to reduce vulnerabilities to cyberattackers.
Derisking digital and analytics transformations
While the benefits of digitization and advanced analytics are well documented, the risk challenges often remain hidden.
Solving the KYC puzzle with straight-through processing
Banks can become more efficient and effective in combating money laundering, while improving the experience of their customers and employees.
The next S-curve in model risk management
How banks can drive transformations of the model life cycle in a highly uncertain business landscape.
Next-generation nowcasting to improve decision making in a crisis
Traditional nowcasting has served its purpose well, but the COVID-19 crisis proved challenging for most models. A next-generation approach supports critical decision making and strategy moving forward.
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