August 2020
McKinsey on Risk: Special issue on the COVID-19 crisis
A special issue of McKinsey on Risk offering our global perspective on the COVID-19 crisis, including understanding the crisis, resiliency through crisis, industry perspectives and social and environmental leadership in the next normal.
Articles in this issue
Chapter 1: Understanding the crisis
Safeguarding our lives and our livelihoods: The imperative of our time
We must solve for the virus and the economy. It starts with battling the virus.
Getting ahead of the next stage of the coronavirus crisis
First the virus, now the economic fallout—you need to launch your plan-ahead team.
Leadership in the time of coronavirus: COVID-19 response and implications for banks
As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to reverberate, banks have a role to play as systemic stabilizers.
Coronavirus: 15 emerging themes for boards and executive teams
Board directors and executives can pool their wisdom to help companies grapple with the challenge of a lifetime.
Chapter 2: Resiliency through crisis
Return: A new muscle, not just a plan
Return is not a phase; it’s a way of operating. A nerve center can help build the capabilities that businesses need in the “next normal.”
Reopening safely: Sample practices from essential businesses
The safety protocols of hospitals, grocery stores, and other establishments that stayed open during the COVID-19 pandemic can offer ideas for businesses preparing to welcome employees and customers back.
Banking system resilience in the time of COVID-19
Capital cushions at European, UK, and US banks look adequate in most scenarios—and challenged in others. In either case, they must be rebuilt, and that will require some difficult decisions.
Stability in the storm: US banks in the pandemic and the next normal
Banks will be tested. Now is their chance to use their hard-won resilience to preserve the financial system and support their customers and communities.
Cybersecurity tactics for the coronavirus pandemic
The pandemic has made it harder for companies to maintain security and business continuity. But new tactics can help cybersecurity leaders to safeguard their organizations.
Chapter 3: Industry perspectives in the next normal
From surviving to thriving: Reimagining the post-COVID-19 return
For many, the toughest leadership test is now looming: how to bring a business back in an environment where a vaccine has yet to be found and economies are still reeling.
Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?
Operational risk to supply chains has been growing over the last several years—compounded by the ongoing impact from COVID-19. Organizations need a new approach to manage risk and build resiliency.
Pharma operations: The path to recovery and the next normal
Pharma operations leaders have increased their focus on network risk management, agile and transparent operations, and shaping the workforce of the future in the post-COVID-19 path to recovery.
Oil and gas after COVID-19: The day of reckoning or a new age of opportunity?
Leading companies will use the crisis to redefine their reasons for being and their basis for distinctiveness.
Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel
Do you remember your first flight? The first time you fell in love with a new city? We do.
Digital strategy in a time of crisis
Now is the time for bold learning at scale.
Building security into the customer experience
Companies need to secure their digital channels against malicious attackers—without creating a negative experience for their customers.
Chapter 4: Social and environmental leadership in the next normal
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Diversity still matters
Inclusion and diversity are at risk in the crisis—but are critical for business recovery, resilience, and reimagination.
Article - McKinsey Institute for Economic Mobility
COVID-19: Investing in Black lives and livelihoods
The unfolding public-health and possible economic disaster of the pandemic will disproportionately affect Black Americans—unless stakeholders respond immediately.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Feeding the world sustainably
Green technologies, biotech advances, and artificial intelligence could help tame agricultural emissions and waste, while safeguarding ocean resources.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Addressing climate change in a post-pandemic world
The coronavirus crisis holds profound lessons that can help us address climate change—if we make greater economic and environmental resiliency core to our planning for the recovery ahead.
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