Summer 2014
McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity, Number 2
Presenting insights and approaches that organizations can use to transform how they manage resources and drive sustainable growth.
Articles in this issue
McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity Number 2 Introduction
In this second issue of McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity, we seek to establish the value of sustainability and to demonstrate how these opportunities can (and are) being captured in a range of industries.
Profits with purpose: How organizing for sustainability can benefit the bottom line
Becoming a sustainability leader requires big changes, but the effort is worth it—in both environmental and economic terms.
The human factor: Amassing troops for the ‘resource revolution’
Companies on the front lines of the resource revolution need to implement creative talent-management strategies.
Riding the resource wave: How extractive companies can succeed in the new resource era
With economic and social expectations rising in resource-rich countries, extractive companies must re-think how they do business.
Brave new world: Myths and realities of clean technologies
Don’t be fooled by high-profile setbacks. The cleantech sector is gaining steam—with less and less regulatory assistance.
Unconventional wisdom: Fracturing enters a new era
Faced with change on a scale not seen in decades, companies must alter their business plans to accommodate unconventionals or else risk irrelevance.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The disruptive potential of solar power
As costs fall, the importance of solar power to senior executives is rising.
Bioenergy in Europe: A new beginning—or the end of the road?
Bioenergy faces challenges in Europe, but there is reason to believe it can make a comeback.
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McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity
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