Seamless urban mobility

Cities are now home to more than half the world’s population, a demographic trend that’s showing no signs of slowing down. But along with their increase in population, cities must also contend with increased congestion, traffic, and pollution. How can cities retain their competitive edge and growth-oriented positions while curbing emissions and keeping commute times reasonable for their residents? By adopting an approach we call seamless mobility. It’s a model where the boundaries among private, shared, and public transport become blurred, and residents would be able to move around their city seamlessly using a combination of autonomous vehicles, e-scooters, existing transportation infrastructure like the subway to work or home every day. Our research has shown that a major city that takes advantage of seamless mobility will be able to move around 30 percent more people while cutting travel time by 10 percent.

Watch our animated explainer video to see how your city might benefit from adopting a comprehensive seamless mobility approach.

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