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Meet Cassia, a fellow in our Luanda office.

Why did you choose McKinsey?

I knew people from McKinsey who made me interested about the firm and its work. I hadn’t considered consulting previously, but they convinced me to give it a try. I believe we can only be our best if we join the best, and to me, that’s McKinsey.

Why did you choose the Luanda office?

I am from Luanda, so joining in Angola was perfect to return home after earning my master’s in chemical engineering from the University of Bath. It enabled me to be close to my family and friends, while still having big exposure to other cultures at the office and through my client work.


What has been your best engagement?

My most challenging, fun, and interesting engagement was helping a country with its long-term vision. In general, I’m at my best when I feel challenged, and I have control over things I am doing. I love doing a lot of different things, but my performance can only be excellent when I understand the impact each thing will make.

How did your university studies prepare you to work at the firm?

At university, I had to find people and tools to help me solve problems effectively. I learned how to gain trust and be comfortable around people with very different mindsets from mine. That is fundamental at McKinsey also.

What tips/advice would you give to others considering joining McKinsey?

Prepare well for the problem-solving tests and be your true self during the interview. This firm celebrates individuality more than you can imagine, so if your answers and experience sound staged, you have fewer chances to be successful. Show your real self.

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