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What was your favorite moment from this week?
Delivering a 1.5 hour presentation chaired by the CEO of a major institutional investor. Presenting to an audience always takes a bit of courage for a strong introvert like me, so I am grateful my team pushed me and trusted me enough to do it. Second favorite moment from the week: Getting a pat on the back from a senior partner after the presentation!
What are your weekend plans?
Trying not to burn down the house as I attempt to cook roast beef for the family. My domain of cooking expertise is usually limited to instant noodles and boiled eggs, so this is a bit of a step-up opportunity for me.
Do you have a Feel Good Friday tip?
Join Friday evening wine o'clock in the Kuala Lumpur office pantry to share the ups and downs of your week with your friends.
What inspires you?

Grit. I am inspired by those who are willing to go through pain and ridicule to achieve their dreams, even those that seem unrealistic or fanciful to others. This may explain my ardent support for Liverpool FC (last seen near the English football league trophy 30 years ago).
What type of music makes you feel motivated?
Refused - New Noise, Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song ,and when I really need to spiral out: Tool - Lateralus
What’s your favorite app or emoji?
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