Talking and living sustainability

Hanna on a row boat
Hanna on a row boat

When I first joined McKinsey in 2000, I started in a generalist or cross-functional consulting role. Over time, my passion for sustainability led me to join the Finnish Posti Group as Corporate Responsibility Director. In 2014, I returned to McKinsey to accelerate my learning and development and work with some amazing people. In 2019, I joined McKinsey’s Global Social Responsibility team to reduce single-use plastics in our offices and strengthen the firm's network of local Green Teams worldwide.

A new role

This August, I joined McKinsey's Sustainability Practice as external relations manager for Europe. We publish a tremendous amount on climate change and sustainability, such as the much noticed Climate Risk and Response report and a recent article analyzing how the fashion industry can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. My job is to make sure these reports reach our stakeholders and clients and to use our knowledge to keep the conversation going about environmental sustainability. Climate change is already affecting many industries and regions in various ways and I find it rewarding to be involved in the discussions about how to adapt to it as well do our best to decarbonize the economy.

Extending my work by volunteering within the firm

Beside my new role in the Sustainability practice, I lead our Helsinki office’s Green Team. We replaced water bottles with water taps, switched most travel to client sites to public transportation options and optimized recycling practices in the office building, which involved convincing other tenants and the landlord to change their ways. What I love about our Green Teams is that it is a group of highly motivated colleagues with different backgrounds and expertise. We have a colleague who is an expert in analyzing data, members who know everything about our office's organizational structure, and others who are very good in negotiating. This diversity is the key to our success. When everyone is part of the change, it's easier to get things done.

Hanna sitting on a chair on a frozen lake
Hanna sitting on a chair on a frozen lake

Sustainability is personal

Not surprisingly, sustainability plays a big role in my personal life. I’ve been a vegetarian for more than 20 years. I aim to offset my personal flights using green energy for my home. Living close to the sea, I value the calming and grounding effect of nature and see a responsibility to preserve it. When it comes to commuting, I had to give up cycling to the office due to a very inconvenient route and now use public transportation instead. However, during a big strike of the local public transportation company last winter, I skied to work. This was rather interesting even in Finland.

Learn more about the McKinsey Sustainability practice and read our 2019 social responsibility report.

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