During a year–long detour at a French business school, I took a trip to Singapore. I was exploring the bustling streets on an unusually overcast October day when my phone suddenly sprang to life. On the other side, a McKinsey partner wanted to discuss product management. This 33 min call altered my life.
I took a leap of faith, moved back to the Middle East and joined McKinsey as a product manager in Dubai.
Ready for take-off
Building and releasing a digital product in which new business ideas and product lines would live proved quite the endeavor for our latest client. After many years, false starts and failed products, the client brought in McKinsey. I was a proud member of the team. Our challenge was clear: build a viable working product to take to market in less than four months while grooming the talent to manage and improve it going forward.
Over twelve weeks, a multidisciplinary team of technologists, data engineers, digital marketers, designers, product managers, and business people led to one exciting, nerve-wracking moment: the first customer transaction. When the confirmation popped on the screen, every team member including the client’s CEO, started hugging and congratulating each other. This moment served as a clear answer to the challenge bestowed on our team, a validation of the trust and faith put in McKinsey.
For that moment, we all celebrated success. Minutes later, a nervous, gleeful realization descended on us like a thick layer of fog on a misty February morning. We need to grow and scale this product and make it a huge success!

Creating my McKinsey
This experience crystalizes what is so exciting about my typical day at McKinsey. With every goal or challenge conquered comes a different one right around the corner. McKinsey allows me to shape my career. With every team, I get to design the experience, find the balance that will enable me to perform at my best and have fun doing it. I feel energized and motivated to tackle what lies ahead knowing I can rely on my colleagues and loved ones. I have found my true calling. I have found happiness.
Outside work
Jad is passionate about cosmology, astrophysics, and gaming. Jad finds balance in early morning gym sessions, catching up on podcasts on subjects from gaming to movies, technology, and culture.
About Jad
Dubai-based Jad is a product manager and consultant. Prior to McKinsey, he was a product manager at a large banking organization in France. He has a bachelor’s in theoretical and mathematical physics from Lebanese University, a bachelor’s in computer engineering from EPITA (Ecole Nat Sup d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees), and an MBA from INSEAD.
For more information on McKinsey's tech career paths, visit mckinsey.com/TechCareers.