Solving environmental issues while finding restoration in the outdoors

Karin sitting in safari jeep
Karin sitting in safari jeep

As for many students graduating from business school, my options for a job upon graduation were wide. I was uncertain what career path to pursue. Consulting and McKinsey became interesting when I learned I could work with experts on topics that contribute true value for society, such as environmental sustainability.

Karin and husband in Africa
Karin and husband in Africa

After four years with the firm, I’m happy to say this job has met my expectations. Early on, I spent a large share of my time in healthcare and the public sector. For the past year, I’ve become increasingly engaged in our Sustainability practice. This has been extremely rewarding to me, as I have always been engaged in social and environmental issues. For example, before I joined McKinsey I researched nature conservation in East Africa and developed a business model for a water purification solution.

I also contributed to McKinsey Global Institute’s research on ‘Climate Risk and Response’  and supported two social impact start-ups – one focused on innovating the apparel textile market by introducing a 100% recycled fiber and another working to optimize yields and environmental impact in agriculture with improved weather forecasting. If you’re interested you can learn more about our commitment to protecting our planet here.

Karin on ski tour in mountains
Karin on ski tour in mountains

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When I am not at work, I love to be outdoors and my favorite activities are sailing in the Stockholm archipelago and ski touring in the mountains. As McKinsey offers several flexibility programs, like Take Time, I can fully immerse myself in my interests for several weeks a year - nine consecutive weeks last year - which helps me unwind and restores my energy.

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