#BalanceforBetter on International Women’s Day 2019

Talking to women who made partner whilst working part-time has helped me realise just how flexible McKinsey is. People really do take advantage of the options we offer, and they are successful here because of it. I joined as an associate after my MBA and got pregnant during my first year. I was promoted to engagement manager when I returned from my first maternity leave, and quickly conceived my second daughter.

Carving out more time at home

Since becoming a mother, I am leading a more balanced life. I leave the client earlier. I pick my kids up from school, have dinner with them and put them to bed before logging back on for a little while. The McKinsey and client leaders I work with have been amazingly supportive, and at no point has my schedule has negatively impacted my trajectory. It makes me realize I should have taken advantage of this flexibility before I had kids; I could have done more sports or read more books!


Planning for baby #3

Now I am carrying my third child. I’m going to use Take Time, a program that lets consultants take extra unpaid leave each year, to lengthen my maternity leave (which is already up to a year in Brazil – six months paid and six unpaid). I cannot imagine any other place where my decision would be so encouraged. It is not easy for an employer to have someone take three leave periods in less than four years, but my colleagues have celebrated every addition to my family. They’ve helped me find my path back every time. With their encouragement and thoughtful planning, I’m enjoying meaningful work while having the family I wanted and becoming the mother I aspire to be.

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