Making a difference to global health

I joined McKinsey in Dublin after spending years in academia and research, focused on using advanced analytics in the aerospace industry. A friend, who also did a PhD in engineering, joined McKinsey a few years before me and is now a partner in the US. I had been curious about careers outside of academia and after a few conversations with him, I was intrigued and thought I'd give it a try. I figured I could always return to the academic world if I didn't like it. Four years later, I'm still at McKinsey and loving it.

Diverse and meaningful work

I started as a junior associate and served clients across industries from public sector strategy to advanced semiconductor manufacturing. The opportunities to try new things and grow my expertise in so many different ways is one of the best parts of McKinsey. I discovered fascinating new topics I never would have explored had I not worked at the firm. Every client we serve and every project we complete is different. This has been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m very proud McKinsey is involved in many notable, forward-thinking projects helping our clients and society fight the disease.

Making a difference to global health
Making a difference to global health

Preventing the next pandemic

One of those projects is The Trinity Challenge, an initiative started this year to use data and advanced analytics to develop insights and actions to help protect and prepare the world from future health emergencies. The coalition is comprised of more than 20 organizations from across private sector, academia, and social sector, that are seeking to ensure a global pandemic of this scale never happens again. I feel so fortunate to be playing a role in designing and developing the Challenge, working with my team as we build this initiative from the ground up, with advice from the world’s leading experts in public health and tech.

My involvement in the project was rather serendipitous – over the summer I worked on a public health project and a colleague from that team reached out with the kernel of an idea that became The Trinity Challenge, and we took it from there.

As the engagement manager on the project my role was similar to that of an orchestra conductor. I don’t play any instrument, but on behalf of my firm colleagues and our collaborators, I ensure the whole project works in harmony. The McKinsey team for The Trinity Challenge is comprised of individuals with really impressive and diverse resumes. We have medical doctors, a data scientist and political scientist all working together toward a common goal and my role is to understand the strength and expertise each person brings with them. I also work hand-in-hand with our lead client to ensure we are aligned and on track to deliver.

Making a difference to global health
Making a difference to global health

Each day I learn something new about infectious diseases or data science or public policy, which is one of the bonuses of working with a diverse team. I feel fortunate I can immerse myself in these topics by way of my intelligent, interesting colleagues.

This initiative is an opportunity for me and many others to put our expertise to use in fighting COVID-19, and it is rewarding to be part of the fight with smart, passionate individuals who are thinking about the next pandemic this critical time.

I am part of something bigger and more meaningful than I could ever do on my own. This type of work is one of the reasons I joined and have stayed at McKinsey for so long. Only McKinsey can offer these types of opportunities.

Those who would like to learn more or are interested in participating in The Trinity Challenge, visit Formal applications are open now. The submission period will close in January 2021.

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More about Mitch

After finishing my undergraduate and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering in Cork, I pursued my a PhD in London. During this time and after I was deploying advanced analytics to build predictive models for the aerospace and nuclear industries. I joined McKinsey in 2017 as a junior associate in the Dublin office. Since then, I’ve advanced to the role of engagement manager and now specialise in Healthcare Systems & Services and digital technology. In my free time, in the COVID era of not being able to meet friends, I like to run or cycle, cook new dinner recipes with my partner, and read (I typically have about 5 unfinished books on the go, I need to complete one book before starting the next!).

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