The Journey of a Junior Software Engineer at McKinsey

What Sparked Nina’s Interest in McKinsey?

I first became interested in McKinsey when I saw the firm’s logo font. I was drawn to the elegant and classical font, which matched my vibe. When I researched the firm, I was intrigued by what they were doing and decided to learn more.

The Journey of a Junior Software Engineer at McKinsey
The Journey of a Junior Software Engineer at McKinsey

The Most Surprising Aspect of Working at McKinsey

I was pleasantly surprised by the openness to learning at McKinsey. There are so many learning platforms available, and my colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge. It’s been a great environment to grow and develop my skills.

Nina’s First Project at McKinsey

My first project at McKinsey was for an e-commerce platform. I worked as a backend engineer in the Fulfillment Squad, and I was in charge of the basket feature. I worked with engineers worldwide, both McKinsey’s and the client’s, and I learned a lot about how passionate people can be on their studies.

How Her Team Supported Nina

During my onboarding and study at McKinsey, one of my Tech Leads did a weekly check-in with me. This really helped me navigate the firm better and provided a space for me to share my goals and expectations for the study.

The Biggest Lesson Nina Learned Since Joining McKinsey

I learned the importance of doing top-down communication during my time at McKinsey. This approach helps me communicate my work to others through an abstraction layer, which makes it easier for people to understand the problem.

What McKinsey Taught Nina about Herself

Working at McKinsey has taught me about my strengths and areas for improvement. I discovered that I vocalize my support during challenging moments and have a longer attention span than I thought. This helped me stay motivated and tackle complex problems with efficiency and effectiveness. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with talented and driven individuals who have helped me become a better version of myself.

Nina’s Advice for Young Professionals Considering McKinsey

According to my experience, I would suggest contacting current employees to ask about their experiences and checking if the vibe they describe matches your desired work environment. I would recommend choosing someone who’s not so active on LinkedIn rather than the one who usually voices their work in the firm since the average employee experience will most likely be your own experience there.

If you’re looking for a place to learn and grow, McKinsey might be the right place for you. With a supportive team and extensive learning opportunities, you can develop your skills and reach your goals.

More about Nina

Nina loves learning about sciences and all fields, but she’s recently been leaning more towards neuroscience and physics because of their relation to some artificial intelligence research. She’s also an aesthetician and loves everything beautiful and the process of creating it. Her usual leisure activity is making nail art while listening to YouTube videos on physics, technology, and biology.

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