Headed to India for reviews

Hi all! Things in my world have been very busy. 

We had the official kickoff of our Operations Academies a while ago. Procurement Academy is one of the many programs, but there is a broader effort right now to bring all of our operations service lines to a consistent best-in-class standard when it comes to capability building. We are developing c-level communications and competency grids for different kinds of operations skills, learning journeys, and more. And we are continuing to develop more digital learning modules as well, like the one I wrote about in a prior post. This has been a fun project to contribute to, with a lot of leadership guidance and a lot of excitement around it.

In other news, I am writing this on the plane to India for semi-annual reviews. I spent a lot of time over the past couple of months preparing for this. I serve on our Supply Chain Management review committee and will sit in on reviews for everyone. I’ll also present the reviews for my two “DGL-ees”, colleagues from our global sourcing and procurement team for whose professional development I am responsible. This is my second year on the committee, so it will be nice to see how people have progressed. This is the first time I will actually attend the review session in-person in India, so I am very excited to finally meet many of the people with whom I work closely but have never met!

At the Chicago Fall Half Marathon

On the personal side, I ran the Chicago Fall Half Marathon, and beat my personal record, which was very exciting! Finally, a few weeks ago, I participated in a great beach cleanup event organized by the MWWI (Midwest Women’s Initiative) through Adopt-a-Beach, an initiative run through the Alliance for the Great Lakes. Our team collected 30+ pounds of waste and recycled materials off of North Avenue beach—see our photo above!

Until next time,