Hi everyone,
Last time I wrote about the first two events I participated in for the Academy of Female Business Leaders. In this post I’ll give you a look at the third and fourth events.
Our third event was just for fun—a cooking workshop. Although this was more of a social event, it was still a great opportunity to learn new things and learn from one another. We had four different Thai dishes to prepare, which is quite different from our typical Polish cuisine! We learned a lot of about Thailand, Thai food, and cooking in general. Throughout the class, we also talked about our experiences travelling or working abroad and our future wishes for exploring other parts of the world. And of course, we talked about career paths in general. I had a few powerful discussions with some women who are engineering students who had never thought about doing consulting, and I was excited to open this option to them.
The fourth and final event is still to come—the Academy participants have been divided into small groups and assigned different business sectors, and each small group will prepare and give a final presentation on what that sector’s employers can do to better attract top female talent. I am coaching the group that is assigned to the engineering industry, and I am hopeful that these young women will think of some exciting new ideas that we can implement at Digital McKinsey.
I have been incredibly impressed with all of the young women I met through this program and am so happy that I was able to share my career path and advice with them. This organization is doing great work helping them launch their careers and enhance their skills, and I also benefitted from the time I spent with them.
Until next time,