Reflecting on lifestyle and sponsorship

Hi everyone,

One of the reasons I love being part of our West Coast office is that our leadership team is very focused on creating sustainable lifestyles. We recently had an office discussion around dual career couples and how they manage their lives. It was interesting to hear the different stories from different people, and while no one claimed to have the “solution”, there were certainly some elements which really resonated and were extremely helpful to keep in mind.

The region has also been reviewing some of the resources we have at McKinsey to help people manage their busy lifestyles. Several of these resources were introduced by All In, which is our global inclusion and diversity initiative, while some of our North American offices are piloting different things, including reduced travel schedules and a concierge service. It’s great to see that the firm is investing in some potentially impactful solutions to help people find balance. Speaking of balance, the picture above is from a trapeze class I took with some colleagues. 

I’m also involved in our Women in Operations community. I’m particularly passionate about retention and advancement, and a big piece of this is sponsorship. Sponsorship is so important and yet often overlooked in favor of mentorship. We’ve made a huge push to ensure that this is a priority for the practice, and I have been excited to continue to work with a team of amazing people who are continuing some of the work I started in that role a couple of years ago.

In the meantime, I’m having a wonderful summer and have enjoyed some down time, including camping trips!
