Hi everyone,
As we are enjoying working with a new batch of summer interns, I started thinking about one colleague and friend in particular, and our journey at the firm together.
He joined my team as a summer associate, just as I was transitioning to engagement manager. I remember being super excited when he decided to join us full-time! We then worked together again, when he was a more established associate and I was a more tenured engagement manager. And most recently, we worked together for a third time, now with him in the engagement manager role and me in the engagement director role.
It’s so incredible and satisfying to see someone grow like this, and I definitely get a lot of energy from my passion for people development. Now that I’m an AP working with more teams and more people, I’m really looking forward to seeing many more stories like this.
As I write this, we’re wrapping up one of my client engagements and therefore planning a few fun events, including going trapezing, which has really become one of my signature team events. I’d highly recommend it!
Finally, I wanted to share a few fun photos from recent events. Recently there was a week which happened to have two events in quick succession – my birthday as well as a Seattle office celebration for new APs. I am a huge bitmoji superuser so one of my teams decided to get me a bitmoji birthday cake…and then the cake for the AP celebration had another bitmojis on it! It was really memorable, and proof that they know me well!