Taking a break for a travel adventure

Hi everyone,
I can’t believe the year is already half over! I got back a few weeks ago from my honeymoon, which was incredible. If you’re a longtime reader of my blog, you know I love to travel to remote locations all over the world, and our honeymoon destination was no different.

We had 17 total days off. Our first stop was in Germany, where we spent a few days visiting my family. From there we flew to Moscow and explored the city for a couple of days—and then we boarded the Trans-Siberian railroad and began our journey to Asia.

Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world

The first stop was a day trip to the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal in southern Russia. Next up was Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. We spent a day exploring on our own, and then another day with a guide seeing the Genghis Khan statue and learning more about how the semi-nomadic Mongolians used to live, which was fascinating.

With an eagle in Mongolia

From there we continued on the Trans-Mongolian railroad to Beijing. We spent a few days exploring the big attractions—The Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Great Wall (see top photo). Of course we had tons of great food everywhere we went—we did our research and treated ourselves to the best places we could find.

The entire trip was flawless, and I returned to work excited to share pictures and stories with my colleagues (and blog readers!). In my next post I’ll share what I’m up to with client work.
