Updates from a busy few months

Hi all,

It’s been a busy couple of months at McKinsey! In July I attended Cambridge College, a week-long global learning development program for engagement managers and equivalent roles. It was a great opportunity to learn more tips for navigating this new role, discovery ongoing firm initiatives, and connecting with former colleagues.

In August, I took some time off as part of our Take Time program, which allows colleagues to take up to 10 weeks on unpaid leave. I attended some weddings, went on vacation with my family to New Hampshire, and traveled to Mexico with my husband’s family. Despite the travel, it was a restful and enjoyable break.

Sunrise in Miami

In September I dove back into work and had some big life changes. I worked on a project in the consumer tech and media space, which had me spending time in Atlanta and Miami. On the life side, I found myself juggling a new puppy (Alfie, pictured above) and new apartment at the same time! The month ended with our Americas TMT (Technology, Media, and Telecom) conference at Universal Studios in Miami. The conference was a great opportunity to celebrate success in the practice and discuss what’s next to come.

Overall it’s been a great few months, and I’m looking forward to more fun in the next couple of months as I spent time helping out with recruiting and focus on building our TMT practice.
