Women in Operations day—and big news

Hi again,

Last time I wrote about the first of two women’s offsites I attended in August and in this post I’ll give you a quick recap of the second of those events.

Women in Operations was for all US-based women in our Operations practice. This event is a fabulous opportunity for us to build connectivity, which is important since we are spread out all over the country!

With colleagues at the Women in Ops offsite

The event was a day and a half and kicked off with a “go see” visit to a local Chicago client that had gone through a service transformation with us. Our group saw what had changed and how the transformation had changed their business and heard from the client what it was like working with us. After that we had a women’s panel—with both internal people and clients—about building your career. Next up was a deep dive into big data and data analytics, which is the next frontier for operations.

The next day we heard from our North American Operations leader Katy George about everything going on in our practice, with a focus on our commitment to women’s recruiting and development. We then had a variety of breakout sessions, including one about how to make it work in a dual-career couple. Colleagues shared some of their tips and tricks, which was extremely interesting to me because Brian and I are expecting a baby in mid-November!

I’ve been feeling really well and luckily I’ve been able to keep working without any problems. Between the two women’s offsites I was in Atlanta for a capability training with a global client. Since the client is global, client team members from Latin America joined us in Atlanta so that we could cover all of the Americas. We did the same training in Europe and will soon bring it to Asia. In keeping with the global theme, I also joined a multi-day workshop in Miami for another large global client. In this workshop, client team members from Europe, Latin America, and the US met to generate cost savings ideas for all of their professional services spend categories (HR, finance, travel, IT, etc.).

I’ll touch base again before I go out on maternity leave!
