This is a profile image of Michael


Senior PartnerCarolinas

What makes McKinsey unique is the investment in your development.

Coming out of undergrad, I was looking for a “launching pad” where I could learn and be taught. McKinsey was the perfect place for that.

After law school, I came back to McKinsey for a very different reason. I knew that I was finally done with school and beginning my real career. In some ways the exploring was done. I was ready to start building my long-term niche in the business world.

Having worked at McKinsey previously, I knew that the firm offered opportunities to develop expertise very quickly. After one 6 month project, you have already gained quite deep understanding of a certain topic, and the firm allows you to build on that with further projects and investment in knowledge. Since returning to McKinsey, my focus has been on understanding the best approaches for turning around struggling companies—and understanding the approaches to avoid!

What makes McKinsey different

What makes McKinsey really unique is the investment in your development. Almost all companies talk about ‘people development’ but McKinsey has been refining its people processes for decades. This includes day to day mentorship in your client work, formal quarterly feedback and the “informal networks” of mentors that support your journey.

The people across the firm’s Southern locations are really special. Whether it is the close-knit office in Charlotte or the partners I run into in Atlanta, the people here really are invested in your career and work hard to build a sense of community.

Past experience

VP of Business Development


University of Virginia

University of North Carolina