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Senior Business AnalystPrague

Facing a difficult and unfamiliar challenge during a project taught me that no matter the obstacle, you can lean on—and learn from—an amazing team of people.


The McKinsey Prague office has a unique charm. It is relatively small in size, making it easy for people to really get to know each other. Since my first day at the office, I have been overwhelmed by the warmth and eagerness displayed by everyone to offer help and to open up the possibility of building genuine friendships. I think this really speaks to how we approach growing our firm: We don’t onlyfocus on academic achievements or similar qualifications, but also seek future colleagues who share a common set of values, great potential, and can spread”good vibes.”


During one of my projects at McKinsey, I was tasked with creating an advanced model. Having limited experience with models of such complexity, I initially felt a mixture of stress and mild panic. Both quickly disappeared as I sought help from more tenured colleagues who provided me guidance and support, connecting me with experienced experts as well. With their assistance, I dived into the complexities, honing my modeling skills along the way. The result a happy client, satisfied leadership, and a learning experience for myself. This taught me the value of seeking help when faced with unfamiliar tasks and the strength of teamwork in achieving great outcomes.


McKinsey events are a source of great enjoyment for me, sparking my interest in co-organizing them for my colleagues as well, such as our annual Values Day and Junior Consultants Club gatherings. Being involved in the entire process, from planning to execution, not only allows me to contribute to our vibrant office culture but also fosters deeper connections with my colleagues, making these experiences truly rewarding.


Università Bocconi
Master in Sustainability and Energy Management

Prague University of Economics and Business – CEMS
Master in International Management

Masaryk University Brno
Bachelor's degree, Business Administration and Management