Digital Sentiment Survey Germany

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The COVID-19 crisis has provided us with a sudden glimpse into a future world—one in which digital has become central to every interaction. This has forced both organizations and individuals further up the digital adoption curve almost overnight. Customer behaviors and preferred interactions have changed significantly and, while they will continue to shift, the uptick in the use of digital services is here to stay. In order to analyze digital sentiment in Germany and the potential impact of COVID-19, we launched a survey to examine how digital consumer usage behavior has changed since the outbreak of the pandemic, find out how satisfied consumers are with the digital services from various sectors, and estimate how lasting any changes in behavior will be.

Key results:
1. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 9 out of 10 consumers have been using digital services, media, and channels.
2. The growth in digital channel usage is particularly high for the under 25s, but the figure has also more than doubled (107%) for the over 65s.
3. 75% of first—time users plan on continuing to use digital channels after the crisis.

Discover more results in the charticle.