Insights on Artificial Intelligence

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McKinsey to help industry leaders harness the power of generative AI in collaboration with NVIDIA
Blog Post
McKinsey and NVIDIA help industry leaders harness the power of generative AI
A digitized image of the earth against a blue background
AI for social good: Improving lives and protecting the planet
McKinsey and Google Cloud help companies tap into $4 trillion of business value with generative AI
Blog Post
McKinsey and Google Cloud help companies tap into $4 trillion of business value with generative AI

Scaling for impact

Two letters A (for artificial) and I (for intelligence) made from transparent and glowing cubes connected by wires are floating against a dark background.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Strategic alliances for gen AI: How to build them and make them work
One large blue ball in mid air above many smaller blue, green, purple and white balls
Moving past gen AI’s honeymoon phase: Seven hard truths for CIOs to get from pilot to scale
Light dots and lines evolve into a pattern of a human face and continue to stream off the the side in a moving grid pattern.
The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier

Executive guides

Futuristic chatbot icon processing texts and commands over CPU. CGI 3D render - stock photo
Beyond the hype: Capturing the potential of AI and gen AI in tech, media, and telecom
Moving illustration of wavy blue lines that was produced using computer code
What every CEO should know about generative AI
Four X-cube Prisms in a Row on Silver Background Close-up View - stock photo
Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI

Industry perspectives

Abstract geometrical background with lines and dots.
Scaling gen AI in banking: Choosing the best operating model
High-tech bees buzz with purpose, meticulously arranging digital hexagonal cylinders into a precisely stacked formation.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Implementing generative AI with speed and safety
Seamless pattern made from laptop computers.
McKinsey Direct
Generative AI in finance: Finding the way to faster, deeper insights
A glass beaker filled hallway with binary number in a blue liquid. Two blue molecules float around the top of the beaker.
Generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry: Moving from hype to reality


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