As the pandemic drags on, a third of US nurses who provide direct patient care indicated in a recent McKinsey survey that they were likely to leave their jobs. A lack of support at work, coupled with insufficient staffing levels, are among the top reasons nurses are ready to resign.

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A vertical segmented bar graph and a further breakdown of a segment of the bar graph are shown. The vertical bar graph shows a breakdown of nurses’ likelihood of leaving the profession based on their responses, which run from definitely leaving through undecided to not leaving. The top three segments of definitely leaving, very likely to leave and somewhat likely to leave add up to around 32%.
This 32% is examined further in a series of 15 factors expressed as circles that have influenced the 100% of nurse respondents who expressed some likelihood of leaving. The top three circles contain the top three reasons nurse respondents would consider leaving: insufficient staffing levels, feeling not listened to or supported at work, and looking for more compensation.
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To read the article, see “Surveyed nurses consider leaving direct patient care at elevated rates,” February 17, 2022.