Toxic workplace behavior is the biggest predictor of employee burnout symptoms and intent to leave, according to our research. More than 60 percent of negative workplace outcomes are due to toxic workplace behavior. When it comes to positive outcomes, contributing factors—including inclusivity, supportive growth environment, and sustainable work—are much more varied.

Image description:
Two segmented bar graphs side by side have eight bars in total. The bars contain data on workplace outcomes based on toxic workplace behavior broken into areas of the factors likely to effect different outcomes. The five bars on the left are collected under the heading “negative outcomes,” and the three bars on the right are collected under the heading “positive outcomes.”
On the left, the five segmented bars under negative outcomes represent burnout, distress, anxiety, depression, and intent to leave. Toxic workplace behavior is by far the most important factor in each bar. On the right under positive outcomes, three segmented bars represent job satisfaction, work engagement and organizational advocacy. Toxic workplace behavior is almost invisible in these bars.
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To read the article, see “Addressing employee burnout: Are you solving the right problem?,” May 27, 2022.