Featured Insights
Steering Indian insurance from growth to value in the upcoming ‘techade’
A significant share of India’s people and assets remain uninsured, presenting both challenges and opportunities for the country’s insurance industry.
Five differentiators of outperforming family-owned businesses in India
India has many family-owned businesses, but only a few can boast of sustained success for generations. We explore five points of difference between the best and the rest.
Decarbonising India: Charting a pathway for sustainable growth
This will be a decisive decade. With intentional action, India can accelerate decarbonisation at scale while pursuing economic growth.
Technology and digital in India & Sri Lanka
The Asian Century
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Asia at the speed of light: An interview with the head of ReNew Power
The energy transition will remake Asia, says Sumant Sinha, managing director of ReNew Power.
From the top: Leadership in India today
How Asia can lead the climate crisis response
What it would take for India to achieve net-zero emissions
Partner Naveen Unni elaborates on why India has the opportunity to lay down the net-zero path for the world to follow.
How did COP26 help business move towards a net-zero economy?
COP26 may have been a more important step forward than is visible. Harry Bowcott, senior partner in our London office, shares...
Article - MGI Research
Will India get too hot to work?
Extreme heat and humidity could put millions of lives and billions of dollars at risk across India. What will it take to reduce...
The power of Indian consumers
The rise of Indian corporations
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Article - McKinsey Quarterly