The leadership traits of successful CEOs

CEOs have the same responsibilities: They work with the board, engage stakeholders, set direction, and create a positive culture. But one-third to one-half of new CEOs fail within 18 months. What separates the best CEOs from the rest? Partly, it’s their approach. "Great CEOs are bold,” says senior partner Vik Malhotra, who coauthored the best-selling book CEO Excellence with senior partners Carolyn Dewar and Scott Keller. “You can be bold regardless of context. Or you can be bold within that context. If you’re not bold in that first year, you’re not going to move the needle. That is the crux that’ll actually let you conquer any context and any situation around failing." Dive into these insights to learn more about the key traits of successful CEOs, learn how leaders can effectively navigate this moment of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, and bookmark The McKinsey guide to excelling as a CEO for the latest CEO insights.

Author Talks: What separates the best CEOs from the rest?

How to be a great 21st-century CEO

Leadership lessons from the world’s best CEOs

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What is leadership?

The CEO alpha: The advantages of exceptional leadership

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The CEO moment: Leadership for a new era

Four steps to success for new CEOs


One book. Sixty-seven stories of extraordinary leadership.