Can AI help you solve problems?

AI technology has revolutionized the way organizations do business; now, with proper guardrails in place, generative AI promises to not only unlock novel use cases for businesses but also speed up, scale, or otherwise improve existing ones. “Companies across sectors, from pharmaceuticals to banking to retail, are already standing up a range of use cases to capture value creation potential,” write Michael Chui, Roger Roberts, Tanya Rodchenko, Alex Singla, Alex Sukharevsky, Lareina Yee, and Delphine Zurkiya in a new article. Generative AI is nascent, but as it develops and becomes increasingly, and more seamlessly, incorporated into business, its problem-solving potential will intensify. Check out these insights to understand how both AI and generative AI can help your organization solve complex problems, transform operations, improve products, and realize new revenue streams.

What every CEO should know about generative AI

Generative AI is here: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business

What is generative AI?

Exploring opportunities in the generative AI value chain

AI-powered sales and marketing reach new heights with generative AI

Smart scheduling: How to solve workforce-planning challenges with AI

Author Talks: In the ‘age of AI,’ what does it mean to be smart?

The potential value of AI—and how governments could look to capture it

How AI can accelerate R&D for cell and gene therapies

How AI can assist in Asia’s net-zero transition

Evolving institutional finance with AI

Generative AI: Unlocking the future of fashion


Legal innovation and generative AI: Lawyers emerging as ‘pilots,’ content creators, and legal designers