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McKinsey on Books

Explore this month’s best-selling business books prepared exclusively for McKinsey Publishing by Circana and a collection of books by McKinsey authors on the management issues that matter, from leadership and talent to digital transformation, corporate finance, and more.
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Author Talks

Dive into insightful conversations with authors on crucial management topics including leading through a crisis, unleashing innovation, coping with organizational culture shifts, and more.
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10 songs (and 30 reads) to kick off your summer break

– Looking for ways to make your escape this summer without disconnecting from the issues that matter? We’ve got you covered. Put on your nifty noise-cancelling headphones and unwind with this music playlist, curated by the editors of McKinsey Global Publishing.


It takes a village to curate amazing lists from this rather busy group of leaders from all over the world. We would like to thank Kathy Bloomgarden, Robert Christie, Rimjhim Dey, Aria Finger, Steve John, Adrian Monck, Jayne Rosefield, Michelle O Sing, and Vinay Sridhar for their help.

Within McKinsey Global Publishing, special thanks to Mike Borruso, Zachary Enco, Eleni Kostopoulos, Molly Liebergall, LaShon Malone, Philip Mathew, Kanika Punwani, Diane Rice, Shirley Shum, Amanda Soto, and Nathan Wilson for making this list come alive.