Lean management or agile teams? It depends on what you’re doing

And it’s not really an either/or question. Each includes a range of approaches or processes, and which to use depends on what type of activity you’re performing. You might use elements of both models.

Different lean-management and agile team models are suited to different activities.

Image description:

A 2-by-2 matrix in which the Agile and Lean Management Team models are color-coded. Each Agile Team model references “Example activities” outside of the exhibit.

Matrix structure: X-axis = “Nature of the activity”: “Repeatable Operational” on the left-hand side, and “Creative, customer facing” on the right-hand side. Y-axis = “Nature of demand”: “Predictable” at the bottom, and “Variable” at the top.

Team models are visualized as:

1: Lean Management

  • Work cells – X-axis left hand side, Y-axis bottom-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational” activities with “Predictable” demand
  • Expert choreography – X-axis in the middle with a strong tendency towards the right-hand side, Y-axis top-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational”, but mostly “Creative, customer facing” activities with “Variable” demand
  • Segregating variability – X-axis left hand side, Y-axis top-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational” activities with “Variable” demand
  • Relationship service cells – X-axis in the middle with a slight tendency towards the right-hand side, Y-axis bottom-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational” and “Creative, customer facing” activities with “Predictable” demand

2: Agile

  • E2E (End-to-End) cross-functional squad – X-axis on the right-hand side, Y-axis in the middle with a slight tendency towards the top-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Creative, customer facing” activities with “Predictable” and/or “Variable” demand
  • Flow-to-work – X-axis on the left-hand side, Y-axis top-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational” activities with “Variable” demand
  • Self-managed teams – X-axis in the middle spreading across both options, Y-axis bottom-half, meaning this team model is suited for “Repeatable Operational” and “Creative, customer facing” activities with “Predictable” demand
  • Specialist pool – X-axis in the middle with a slight tendency towards the right-hand side, Y-axis top-half, meaning this team model is suited for both “Repeatable Operational” but even more “Creative, customer facing” activities with “Variable” demand

Example activities for each agile team model are listed as:

  • E2E (End-to-End) cross-functional squad: Developing asset plans, Feasibility studies, Project concept studies, Integrated planning, Facilities optimization, Energy management, Digital-factory, and M&A.
  • Flow-to-work: HR Services (recruitment, learning), Data management, and Remote engineering and design support.
  • Self-managed teams: Production operations and maintenance, Support-function platform tasks (accounting and reporting, procurement), Performance management, and Resource accounting.
  • Specialist pool: Business partnering, Engineering support, and Quality assurance.

End of image description.

To read the article, see “Lean management or agile? The right answer may be both,” July 14, 2020.