Mobility’s AI future

The mobility sector is undergoing a speedy transformation thanks to the growth of electric vehicles and innovations such as autonomous driving. Partner Timo Möller and colleagues find that companies in the sector were most likely to invest in applied AI, far ahead of other tech trends, including advanced connectivity, cloud and edge computing, Web3, and immersive-reality tech.

Companies in our sample are more likely to invest in applied AI than in other leading-edge technologies.

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Two segmented bar graphs show the areas of technology trends in which the top 20 percent of 3,500 mobility companies studied are working. The first shows the number of companies working in each trend, and the second shows the percentage of companies working in each trend, with some companies simultaneously working in multiple trends. The bars are broken into 5 areas of interest: digital solutions (digital), shared mobility (shared), electrification (electrified), connectivity (connected), and autonomous driving (autonomous). The top 5 technologies that mobility companies are working in are applied AI (472 companies), advanced connectivity (134 companies), cloud and edge computing (108 companies), Web 3 (63 companies), and immersive-reality tech (42 companies). Overall, the largest shares of companies are working within the autonomous category in applied AI and immersive-reality tech and within the connected category in advanced connectivity and cloud and edge computing.

Source: PitchBook; McKinsey analysis.

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To read the article, see “What technology trends are shaping the mobility sector?,” February 14, 2024.