Evolving consumer sentiment will play a key role in steering the mobility sector, according to partners Kersten Heineke and Timo Möller. An emerging array of consumer personas—from micromobility enthusiasts to eco-conscious travelers—could affect spending on and use of vehicles in the next decade.
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A sankey diagram shows shifting demographics of driver archetypes, comparing present day with how mobility is projected to look in 10 years. Each side is a breakdown of 100% of all drivers. The segments include, from top to bottom; car fanatics, cost-constrained travelers, mobility traditionalists, car-dependent travellers, eco-conscious car complementor, multimodal urbanists, net-zero enthusiasts, micro-mobility enthusiasts, and mobility innovation pioneers. Most of these are all colored the same, with the eco-conscious complementor group on both sides displaying in a brighter shade, to highlight the growth in that archetypical segment from 6% now to 20% in a decade.
Note: Figures may not sum to 100%, because of rounding.
Source: McKinsey Center for Future Mobility; McKinsey analysis
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To read the article, see “Future mobility 2022: Hype transitions into reality,” March 10, 2023.