Paying up for autonomous driving

When it comes to the adoption of autonomous vehicles, safety is top of mind for consumers. However, drivers who are interested in advanced driver-assistance systems could be willing to pay a premium, according to partner Timo Möller and colleagues. For example, about half of global consumers who are likely to purchase a vehicle with advanced highway autopilot features said they would pay up to $9,999 for the technology.

About half of consumers are willing to pay up to $9,999 for autonomous driving features.

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A bar chart shows the share of consumers who would be willing to pay for advanced highway autopilot at level 4 (L4), which enables self-driving mode. Fifty percent of those polled would be willing to pay up to about $10,000 to have this feature. The remaining data show that 63% of respondents would pay about $7,000; 58% would pay about $8,000; 54% would pay about $9,000; 35% would pay about $11,000; 25% would pay about $12,000; and 19% would pay about $13,000 for the L4 feature.

Footnote: Results for respondents who were likely or very likely to purchase a vehicle with L4 advanced highway pilot features.

Source: Source: Annual McKinsey Center for Future Mobility Consumer Survey 2022, global n = 30,897, Dec 2022; McKinsey Center for Future Mobility Consumer Insights.

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To read the article, see “Hands off: Consumer perceptions of advanced driver assistance systems,” July 19, 2023.