Sports gender gap

Women sports managers create a far more positive experience for their teams than their male counterparts. Partner Drew Goldstein and colleagues find that women in the sports industry report feeling more supported by women managers than they do by male managers. At the same time, women in sports administration face negative effects in an industry dominated by men, including a lack of opportunities for advancement.

Women managers do more than their peers who are men to support the well-being of their teams.

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A series of bar graphs comparing the responses of women in the sports industry on 5 actions taken by their managers—depending on whether their managers were women or men. Overall, women managers were perceived as more consistent than their male counterparts in providing emotional support, checking in on well-being, ensuring manageable workloads, preventing burnout, and promoting an environment where challenging topics could be discussed.

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To read the report, see “The business of sports and the quest for inclusion for women,” April 5, 2023.