Unpacking packaging trends

In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, hygiene concerns slowed the push to eradicate single-use packaging across several regions. Consumer perspectives have started to shift, however, according to a survey by senior partner David Feber and colleagues. The majority of consumers are less worried about hygiene and food safety than they were during the pandemic, even though their level of concern is still higher than it was before the pandemic. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting again for companies to address sustainability commitments while meeting consumer expectations.

Consumers perceive hygiene and food safety as less important than during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A series of 9 line graphs display 2 data points per line, comparing respondents’ importance of hygiene and food safety in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic versus in 2023. Each graph shows responses from a different country, all of which indicate that concern over the issue has waned considerably. From greatest to least, percentage-point declines among respondents who were more concerned in 2023: India –38; China –36; Italy –36; US –34; UK –31; Brazil –30; Japan –21; France –11; and Germany –9.

Footnote: Question asked of survey respondents: When thinking about packaging, how do you currently perceive the importance of hygiene and food safety compared to the time before COVID-19? (Answers averaged across all categories.)

Source: McKinsey Packaging Survey, July 2020 and Mar 2023.

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To read the article, see “Sustainability in packaging 2023: Inside the minds of global consumers,” August 15, 2023.