What’s your plan for climate resilience?

Extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common around the world. As COP28, the United Nations’ annual climate change conference, kicks off, there’s an opportunity for the public sector to increase resilience for such events, note managing partner for global client capabilities Homayoun Hatami, senior partner Hamid Samandari, and colleagues. Approximately 65 percent of countries have developed a national climate adaptation plan—a sign of progress. To fortify and enable adaptation plans, governments and government agencies can consider a set of actions, such as setting goals based on a range of future climatic conditions and engaging private sector actors and investors to mobilize funding and promote innovation.

In the public sector, countries and states are starting to build national adaptation plans focused on risk reduction.

To read the article, see “Paving the way to resilience: Strengthening public sector adaptation planning and execution,” November 27, 2023.